CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Fyodor Dostoyevsky The story takes place in the city of St. Petersburg and follows the life of Rodion Raskolnikov, a young student tormented by poverty and philosophical ideas about the superiority of extraordinary human beings. Raskolnikov, influenced by his own theories, comes to the conclusion that he has the right to commit a crime for a greater cause. With this idea in mind, he decides to murder an elderly pawnbroker and her sister, who represent greed and oppression in his distorted vision. However, after committing the crime, Raskolnikov finds himself consumed by guilt and anguish. As he tries to deal with the consequences of his actions, he becomes involved in a series of encounters with different characters, including a detective named Porfiry Petrovich, who suspects his involvement in the murder. Throughout the novel, Dostoyevsky explores the depths of the human psyche through the character of Raskolnikov. He delves into his tormented mind, showcasi...